Thursday, February 8, 2007

Calm before the Storm

Today I did nothing but read all day and went for a walk. The walk was really soothing as I am getting a bit nervous about the speed camp. It has been quite warm and the snow is wet. It has however, snowed about 20-25 centimeters in 24 hours, much of which I must admit is probably melted by now. Was so warm on my walk I took off my beanie and jacket, just walking in my tshirt and bonds long sleeve shirt.

So I guess the nerves relate to my fear of the risk associated with how fast I am going, and how little I see in front of me, and the relatively small window of opportunity for reaction. It is funny, when I drove I used to speed like a maniac, with little reflection on how dangerous this actually is. But now, on skis, when going exceptionally fast, I can really sense the danger. As I said in my last post, the fear is actually working against me, and the trick is to try and stay calm and relaxed. That is totally counterintuitive, what your body requires versus what your body actually does. This is the key to great skiing, letting the ebbs and ruts mean nothing, and letting your legs make like jelly.

On a different note I have been told by the IPC (International Paralympic Committee) that because I didnt register for 2006-2007 racing back in October 2006 I am not eligible to race in Thredbo for the regional championships in August this year. I, amongst everyone here, have not taken this well, and we are working on a logical argument that goes along the lines of "ben didnt knew he qualified until after the cut off date, so there was no reasonable way in which he could have applied for eligibility". All a bunch of red tape. Personally I am not worried, but just a little fed up at stupid assholes sitting in an office deciding a person's life with no real reason other than "it is the rules". Stuff the rules. If I followed the rules all the time I wouldnt be me. I am really looking forward to this battle. And even if I dont win, it doesnt matter, there is always next year, more time to practice for when I do kick ass!

Well I better go and get some rest for tommorrows speed camp. I will lie in bed thinking of that woooshing sound, the blurry sight, and that wind resistance that I sense when doing the downhill.

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